Welcome to your personal area!

Here you can access the information associated with your condominium, as well as all the documentation you need to make your decisions as a condominium member and monitor your management, almost in real time, just by accepting these Terms and Conditions.

The possibility given to access this personal area, is a functionality integrated in the Gecond software used, by the administration that manages the condominium where your property is located.

Thus, with your condominium being managed using one of our software, Improxy grants you access to a "personal area" on the website www.Gecond.com so that, as an "Authorized User", you can enjoy some of the features provided by our platform.

In this document we explain to you the specific terms and conditions to access the personal area Gecond.com as an Authorized User.


Access to the "personal area" is subject to the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy at the time of registration.

If you do not agree with the specific terms and any of the conditions set out in this document, we ask you not to register at Gecond.com.

As a Gecond.com user you will be responsible for the accuracy of any information you make available to the condominium administration. To this end, you undertake to keep all information you have provided duly updated.


As the owner of a property set in a condominium managed by one of our software, you will have access to Gecond.com with the following features:

•Constant and immediate access to all the documentation regarding your condominium, made available by your condominium management;

•Full content of all minutes and supporting documentation that have been made available by the condominium management;

•Access to reminders, claims and receipts issued in your name

•Possibility of registering malfunctions or problems in your condominium, that will be reported to the condominium administration so they can be repaired;

•Receiving of general messages sent by the condominium administration


As Gecond.com user the "Authorized User":

4.1 is responsible for any actions carried out through the User account, directly or through third parties authorized by the User.

4.2 is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of personal information as well as for any damage or injury caused to third parties resulting from misuse, loss or theft of personal information or any information regarding the condominium that is made available or accessed via the "personal area".

4.3 warrants to use the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy and the law and regulations in force.


5.1 The Authorized User, as well as the management of the condominium, are solely and exclusively responsible for the use of Gecond.com, regarding the specific contents related to the management of the condominium, namely, its compliance with the law and the condominium regulations.

5.2 Improxy is not responsible, nor does it assume responsibility for the content made available to the Authorized User by the management of the condominium, the latter being solely and exclusively responsible, for the communication of incorrect, false or third party information or data, without its consent, as well as for the incorrect use of any information.

5.3 Improxy is not responsible, and shall not be liable in any way or form, for inaccuracies and errors, or any damages resulting from the use of information made available on Gecond.com to Authorized Users by the condominium administrations.

5.4 Improxy assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the inability to access the services provided through Gecond.com or caused by any, illegitimate access, viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, cancellation of content, Internet related issues, service providers any data changes.

5.5 Improxy shall not be liable for any delays, failures and quality in providing access or features of the Gecond. whenever the delay, failure or inability to perform any obligation arises, directly or indirectly, from a fact beyond the control of Improxy, namely, disturbances in electrical systems, telecommunications or other utility failures, earthquakes, storms, floods or other natural phenomena, blockades, embargoes, riots, demonstrations, cyber-attacks (including, without limitation, distributed denial of service attacks, malware, ransomware and any other cyber events), acts or orders of government, acts of terrorism, war or pandemics.

5.6 Improxy will use its best efforts, respecting the best standards in the industry, to make Gecond.com available and accessible, minimizing errors and interruptions of the Service, whenever this is within its reach. The Authorized User acknowledges that its "personal area" may be temporarily unavailable, including for previously scheduled maintenance reasons, due to an unforeseen situation requiring urgent maintenance or for any other reason beyond the control of Improxy. Where reasonably possible, Improxy will use its best efforts to give notice of any scheduled downtime.


6.1 Improxy reserves the right to modify at any time the functionalities made available in the "personal area" as well as the conditions on which access to it depends, in which case, the changes to be implemented, will be made available by e-mail to the Authorized User.

6.2 Any changes to the functionalities or operation of Gecond.com shall automatically become effective, upon notification of the changes to the Authorized User, on his next access to Gecond.com

6.3 By continuing to access Gecond.com after any change has been expressly communicated to it pursuant to this Clause, it shall be construed as your acceptance of and agreement with the contents thereof and shall be bound by them.

6.4 In certain occasional cases Improxy following a material change to these Terms and Conditions may notify the User to accept the new Terms and Conditions of Use, and suspend access to this Gecond.com until the new Terms are accepted.


7.1 Improxy Tecnologias de Informação, Lda. NIF 504097750, with registered office at Rua Dr. Ilídio Sardoeira, 28 C sala 1.1 4400-107 Vila Nova de Gaia, maintains full, exclusive and unrestricted ownership of all Intellectual Property Rights of the Services and any content associated therewith, including copyrights, trademarks, trade and business secrets, patents and other proprietary rights held by it under any applicable laws anywhere in the world, and all applicable moral rights relating thereto.

7.2 The Authorized User may not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, share time, offer in a service agency, or otherwise make access to its "personal area" available to any third party; (ii) modify, copy or create any derivative works based on the "personal area" or the functionality made available; (iii) not accept, authorize or permit reproduction, reverse engineering;

7.3 The Authorized User shall include, and in no circumstances delete, the copyright, trademark, service mark and other proprietary information of Improxy and its licensors, affixed to any media. The inclusion of a copyright notice in any part of the Software, documentation or information made available by Improxy shall in no event mean that it is or becomes a published or generally accessible work.

7.4 The Authorized User may not disassemble, decompile, retrovert or apply other procedures in order to discover the source code, nor may the Authorized User use any content or components of the Services, for the development, production or marketing of similar solutions.


Any question related to the services provided or the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, will be subject to Portuguese law and the Court of Vila Nova de Gaia, with express waiver of any other.


Issues related to the information provided regarding your condominium should be dealt with directly with the respective management.

Contact for any general questions regarding our services, excluding technical or operational questions, should be made to info@gecond.com.

Date: May 4, 2020